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Pool (2016-2018)

Inkjet prints on paper, rocks
27.9 x 21.6 x 10.8 cm (11 x 8.5 x 4.6 in)


Pool (2016-2018) is a translation of my accumulated analog black and white photographs into a thick, grayscale stack of cheap inkjet prints on plain office paper, installed as a stump of a non-existent column on the corner edge of an abandoned structure at Makiling Botanic Gardens, set in place by a sheet of volcanic rocks found on-site, exposed to heat, rain, and dew, a ream of images simultaneously exposed and out of sight.

I draw from this pool of photographs for material in other work such as in videos, zines, and installations but do not present them in/as themselves, sometimes reusing the same images across different projects and media. Placed in this environment, I imagined the leaves sticking to each other and the images eventually lost, (trans)forming (into) a black brick, a dead, new object.

Group show curated by Nomina Nuda and Para://Site Projects
Makiling Botanic Gardens and Nomina Nuda
Los Baños, Laguna
29 Sept  - 31 Oct 2018

Onsite photos by Christian Tablazon (1, 2) and Dennese Victoria (3)